Veneers – West Hartford, CT, Avon, CT

Transform & Elevate Your Smile

A beautiful smile can be a crucial asset for your career and your social life, but many people are too shy to show their teeth due to flaws like cracks, chips, stains, or gaps. Fortunately, your cosmetic dentist has a way to fix chipped teeth and transform your smile into a more beautiful state. Blue Back Dental in West Hartford can provide patients with high-quality veneers that can cover up surface damage or reshape a smile that has gaps, minor misalignments, or misshapen teeth. Contact our office to learn more about what veneers can do for you!

Lady shows off pretty smile

Why Choose Blue Back Dental for Veneers?

  • Top Quality Veneers That Achieve Fantastic Results
  • Experienced Staff with Multiple Cosmetic Dentists
  • Trusted Dental Practice with Over 20 Years of Excellence

What Are Veneers?

Dentist compares veneers for a patient?

Veneers are thin ceramic or porcelain shells that are cemented on top of teeth to cover flaws like cracks, chips, and stains. They can also be used to reshape teeth due to things like misalignments and gaps. They are the open secret behind the pristine smiles of many celebrities, and our staff in Hartford is well-trained in applying them. Veneers are stain-resistant and can last for more than fifteen years with excellent care.

The Process of Getting Veneers

Dentist smiles?

Veneers are typically placed over two appointments at our West Hartford office. The painless process begins with a consultation, during which you will meet with one of our cosmetic dentists and discuss your goals. To prepare your teeth for veneers, our skilled dental staff will numb the area with a local anesthetic and remove a tiny amount of enamel from the teeth being treated to make room. They will then take impressions of your bite and fix temporary veneers in place so you can get used to them. The impressions will be sent to a lab, and you will be sent on your way.

After the lab manufactures your permanent veneers, they will be sent to our dental office. During the second appointment, your cosmetic dentist will remove the temporary veneers, cement the permanent ones in place, and make any final adjustments before letting you know that your new smile is ready.

The Benefits of Veneers

Lady smiles

When you get veneers, you’re unlocking several awesome benefits that many other treatment options simply cannot offer! Here are just a few of them:

  • Veneers are a versatile cosmetic treatment that can address many dental flaws.
  • Veneers can last for fifteen years or more with proper care, and they only require the same dental hygiene routine as real teeth.
  • Veneers are stain-resistant and incredibly lifelike, allowing you to enjoy a fresh and beautiful smile.
  • Veneers can be placed in as few as two appointments.

Veneers FAQs

How long can veneers last?

Veneers can last for 10-15 years or longer. The most effective ways to extend the lifespan of porcelain veneers includes brushing and flossing your teeth daily with a non-abrasive toothpaste (we recommend Sensodyne), wearing a nightguard to bed, not using your teeth to open packages, and attending regular checkups at Blue Back Dental.

What happens to the teeth underneath the veneers?

Only a small portion of your natural tooth is removed in order to make room for veneers. Veneers are thin porcelain coverings that only cover the front surfaces of teeth, leaving your natural tooth intact on the sides and on the back. This is why it’s essential to practice good oral hygiene after having veneers placed. Consistent brushing and flossing will help prevent stain accumulation along the margins of the veneers and reduce your risk for cavities.  

Can I drink coffee with veneers?

Yes, you can drink coffee after getting veneers. They are more stain-resistant than natural enamel. But consuming coffee, soda, red wine, and other richly pigmented beverages could noticeably affect the shade of your natural teeth over time, which means that your veneers may no longer match the rest of your teeth. That’s why we recommend rinsing your mouth afterward and using whitening products when needed.  

Will dental insurance cover veneer treatment?

Most dental insurance plans consider veneers to be an elective procedure that is not necessary for improving your oral health. That means they do not offer coverage in most cases.

The good news is that Blue Back Dental can make receiving cosmetic dental treatment affordable thanks to CareCredit. If you choose to finance your treatment, you can enroll in CareCredit and break up the cost into manageable monthly installments.